How do I edit the contacts assigned to a gift?

To edit a specific gift, head to My Gift Campaigns. To edit a contact's gift area, head to My Contacts.

There are 2 ways to edit which contacts are assigned to different gift areas:

1. For a lasting change - edit the gift area the contact is assigned to.

2. For a temporary change - edit the gift to adjust the contacts assigned to that specific month's gift option.

1. To edit the gift area your contact is assigned to, head over to "Contacts" in the sidebar menu.

  • Scroll to find the contact, or search in the search box.
  •  To the far right of each contact (you may have to scroll over to see it), you’ll see an “Edit” button that looks like a pencil in a square: 
  • The Gift Area column will become a dropdown choice - choose a new gift area.
  • When you've completed your edits, click the green check mark button to the far right, where the edit button was previously: 

This changes the contact's gift area assignment permanently unless you manually edit it again.

Don't see the edit button? You need to use your CRM to change your contact's gift area - head over to your CRM and remove the current LoLo tag from your contact. Apply the new tag for the new zone you'd like to assign the contact to, or make sure your contact record has a zip code in the CRM.

2. For a temporary change, you can edit the gift to add or remove contacts on that gift specifically.

  • When gifts are ready in your account, click on "Gift Campaigns" to find the draft gift you'd like to change.
  • To the far right of each draft gift (you may have to scroll over to see it), you’ll click the “Edit” button that looks like a pencil in a square:
  • Click on "Step 2: Review Your Assigned Contacts" above the gift message.
  • You'll see a list of your contacts assigned to the gift. Click the 'X' on the right to remove a contact from the gift. To add a contact to this gift, search by name or gift zone on the right to bring up a list of your contacts. Drag and drop your contacts over to the column on the left to add them to the gift.
  • Click "Next" at the bottom of the page.

This edits only the specific gift - it does not make permanent changes to your contact's gift assignment. This can be done anytime during the draft period up to 1 hour before gifts deliver. (Delivery queue date and time displayed next to the gift in your account.)

Don't see "Edit" next to your gifts? These changes can only be made inside the 48 hour window between when a gift becomes available in your account each month, and when it automatically sends.