First, you'll prepare your file for import. Then, you'll add it into LoLo.
You can import multiple contacts into LoLo at once using the "Import" tool and a .CSV file.
Want to download a step by step guide? Click here
Prepare for Import
To prepare your file for import, follow these steps.
To begin, open a new blank worksheet in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets. If you prefer, you can also download the sample .CSV file available on the LoLo import page and proceed directly to step 3.
- Create and label a column for each of the following:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Zip Code
- Zone
*NOTE*: Each header must be written exactly as they are here (no variations, spaces, etc) and they must be in this specific order. Include every header, even if you won't have information to fill in for that column.
- Enter the information for each contact into the appropriate fields within the spreadsheet.
- You must include a first name, last name, and at least one form of contact information, either an email address or a cell phone number. While having both is beneficial, only one is required for successful import.
- You may include the headers, but leave the zip code and zone fields empty, allowing you to manually assign gift areas in LoLo after the import process is complete.
- If you include the zip code in your file, LoLo will automatically assign the nearest gift area based on that zip code, up to a maximum distance of 30 miles. After the import, you will have the flexibility to modify this assignment as needed.
- If you are aware of the specific gift area you wish to designate, you may enter it in the "Zone" column. However, please note that the system will prioritize the zone name when determining the appropriate gift area. Therefore, if both the zip code and the zone name are provided, the zone will take precedence. If you are uncertain about the exact name of the gift area, we recommend that you leave the cells blank under the header.
Nice job! Now that you've prepared your import file, you're ready to import.
Import the File into Your LoLo Account
1. Log into LoLo and head over to the "Contacts" tab on the left
2. Click on the "Import" button on the top right of the screen, above the contact list area
3. On the import screen, you have two options for uploading your prepared file: you can either drag and drop the file directly into the designated area, or you can select the "Upload a File" button to browse and choose the .CSV file from your saved location.
4. Once you've selected your file, make sure you click the boxes below to confirm that you've read and are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
5. Click the "Import Contacts" button at the bottom of the page and your file will be processed.
If you encounter an error message indicating that the file isn't formatted correctly, it is likely due to issues with the headers in the first row of your file. Please ensure that they match exactly as outlined in this article and are listed in the specified order. Should you require assistance with formatting your file, feel free to send your file to, and we will be happy to help you format and upload it to your account.
6. The import tool will let you know how many contacts imported and whether or not they were successful:
Have a contact that didn't import? Here are some reasons why a contact might not import correctly include:
- The phone number provided is not recognized as a valid mobile number, as our platform conducts a verification process to ensure its authenticity.
- Each contact must possess a unique email address and/or phone number to ensure successful import. If a duplicate email or phone number is detected among your contacts, the import process will not proceed for those entries.
- The email format is not valid
You've successfully imported your contacts into LoLo! You can now click the "Contacts" tab and make any edits needed to each contact.
You can import as many times as you need to make updates to your contact list.