What should I do about sending gifts to couples?

Best practice for how to handle couples in LoLo


Ah, the age-old question - what do I do about the couples in my database? Do I send them one gift? Two? Do I list them together or pick the person I know best?

Of course, the ultimate answer lies within your marketing budget and relationship status, but here’s the best answer we can give you: While you could choose to just send one gift to the couple, we recommend that you send a gift to each of the members of the couple.

Even though you may have a closer relationship with one person in the couple, the other might be the one that has that referral opportunity around the corner. Don’t assume that because one member of the couple received a gift that that will translate to the other having you top of mind. Both members of the couple have their own spheres and you want to make sure that you’re the first person they are both thinking about when that next referral opportunity comes up. 

Long story short: double your potential engagement by including both halves of the couple - you never know where each of those individuals may lead you.